My Life at Isan Thailand.The Places is very quiet and peacefull


Temple of Ra Harn at Buriram Thailand

I  learned meditation at Wat Koh Kaew (Temple of Ra Harn) is at Tambon Ban Dan Amphor   Ban  Dan Buriram  province Thailand  at last month. Here is Wat Phra Mahathat Buriram Ratana Chedi. A place to commemorate Lord Buddha III. Appearance of Lord Maha Chedi.Contemporary Applied Arts height is 60 feet with four floors.

wat pa  ban rahan buriram thailand

              On Level one    use a multi-purpose hall.lungpoo janram

              Level 2 is the place to practice meditation. I  was practice meditation and walking mediation here.

              Level 3 is the temple museum and the statue of the priest as well, practice practice like  

             Level  4 relics are enshrined. Which the King of Siam Wong episcopate. And the Supreme Master Wim abbot at Wat Si Rattana Welu Wanaram. Sri Lanka. Have revealed relics and Bud Prasrimahabhodi. Provost to soot you are beautiful. (Grandfather glory waned soot) in the year 2547 was the beginning Prasrimahabhodi planted behind the Ratana Mahathat Chedi.

peacock at tample of rahan thailand

This place is so full of nature . And there are many peacocks live. I interested  in Alms-house because it is many   place. Buddhist come to make merit at here  as me.


the enter in rahan temple

water surround temple

walking meditation

quiet place

wat pa at thailand

temple in the forest

wat rahan buriram thailand

alm-house at thailand


learn meditation at thailand

make merit at thailand

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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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